Seven projects on what's happening on the Web

After New Order… explores problems both from the ethical and environmental perspective by questioning through seven projects in forms of website, installation, workshop, and publication.

#KoreaWebsitePrize named after the award Korea Artist Prize of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea. The event, which anyone can participate in, will receive applications for candidates through the website and announce the website of the year at the awards ceremony in late December. #KoreaWebsitePrize counts for the semantic use of HTML, a markup language that defines the basic structure of web pages.
#AltMMCA points out that the current MMCA website does not fully provide alt text. After New Order... created a website that provides alt texts for the images of 7,585 on MMCA website. In the exhibition hall, the list of alt text will be installed in a form of visible storage. It reveals the number of the museum collection that had been inaccessible online. This project asks what museums should do to make artworks accessible to everyone online.
#AltTextWorkshop gives a chance to experience the practical issues one would face when writing Alt-text. In the workshop, After New Order... will discuss the need of setting rules on an institutional level. To diversify the discussion, questions and results arising from the workshop will be shared on the website with the interviews of the visually impaired and experts in visual aids.
#MicroDataCenter is a miniature data center, which in reality would require a vast site and large-scale operation. It visualizes the actual relationship between the use of data and environmental pollution. In the meantime, it also displays sentences about the features and operation process of the data center, reminding that there are numerous data processing facilities worldwide.
#Vent retraces the experimental phase of the undersea data center development project 'Project Natick', which Microsoft has been promoting since 2014, and develops a fictional narrative about a non-human ecosystem that enables the Internet network to function seamlessly. A scenario that borrows the utterance of a conspiracy theory will be posted on the website, while sculptures engraved with a few excerpts are installed disguising as architectural elements throughout the exhibition hall. Through this, it is intended to raise questions about the environmental issues and responsible party accompanying national and corporate-level digital infrastructure policies.
#WhatsHappeningSelection is a publication project that translates international discourses in Korean based on four keywords: basic values of the web, accessibility, user autonomy, and anti-platform. It aims to review the concepts of openness, sharing, and participation and to raise the level of discourses.
#WhatsHappeningDictionary is a website which classifies the terms that appear in collected writings and concepts in each project. It works as a search engine in the exhibition venue to support a better understanding of the entire process.